BABY HANDS AND FEET are one of the best memories you can have. They grow so quickly and you soon forget how small they truly were. Looking at foot and handprints does not bring back the true feeling you get when you actually hold your baby's tiny foot or hand in your own hand and you compare it to your constantly changing child. Years later, this child will marvel at just how small his foot actually was. Those tiny fingers, toes, nails, wrinkles and even the positioning of their hand and foot is unique. Never again will you be able to capture this moment. Young babies usually sleep right through this easy, safe and fast procedure. We have cast babies as young as one day old in the hospital. Older babies have more fat and dimples that show up on their castings. These are this generations version of the bronze baby shoes only much more original and personal. The castings can be mounted on a base, hung on the rear view mirror or turned into a baby's first Christmas ornament with a frame. Shadow boxes are also available. Click the "shadow boxes" on the left to view the pictures. Not only are baby hands popular, older children are just as precious. Our little baby butt is also quite the crowd pleaser. Makes a great baby shower gift that will not be outgrown but will last a lifetime. Baby hand and foot starting at $110.00. Baby butts starting at $75.00 for a unique precious sculpture. We can even come to your location including the hospital to cast YOUR baby for an additional fee. |